The newest space launch centre in the world is situated in the Amur Territory. Although Vostochny is still being built, rockets have already been launched there. Tourists can see the flight of a spacecraft, visit the technical complex of the space launch centre and Tsiolkovsky Science City as part of a guided tour.
Most visitors begin their journey in the Amur River region with Blagoveshchensk. The capital of the region is located on the border between Russia and China. The city's urban architecture is remarkable: the streets run perpendicular and were designed as a grid, like military cities of Ancient Rome.
The Khingan nature reserve is located on the left bank of the Amur, in the South-East of the Amur Region. This territory is known for its rare birds, especially oriental storks, red-crowned cranes and white-naped cranes.
The first swamp nature reserve is located in the north-east of the Amur–Zeya Plain. The landscape of the reserve consists of swamp areas.
The Zeya nature reserve is north-west of the city of Zeya. Most of it is covered by woods: fir trees, birches, alders, pines, oaks, poplars and willows.
The Zeyskaya HPP is the first hydropower station in the Far East. Its construction began in 1964.
One of the most high-capacity hydropower plants in Russia is located in the Amur Region and the Khabarovsk Territory. Its construction began in 1976, but then the project was repeatedly suspended. The construction was restarted in the 2000s.
Heihe is the most visited Chinese city in the Amur Region. It is located in the visa-free zone, so the Russian nationals will only need to bring their passport and pay the duty.
The Trans-Siberian Railway, which is the longest railway in the world, passes through the Amur River region. The Great Siberian Route is 9,288 km long.
The Baikal-Amur Mainline, with the length of 4,300 km, is one of the longest railways in the world. The BAM passes through over 200 railway stations and crossing loops.
Ancient rock paintings are among the man-made wonders of Amur Region. The most famous ones can be found close to the settlement of Yerofey Pavlovich. The images are amazingly realistic. They depict humans, animals and mysterious signs.
The settlement of Albazino is situated on the bank of the Amur river. Here, there are ruins of the first Russian fortress in the Far East and the first fortified settlement on the Amur river—Albazinsky Ostrog.
Before the arrival of Russian pioneers, northern part of Amur Region was inhabited by the Evenki. Now, at the Ethnocomplex Evenki Village, tourists can learn more about the traditions of the indigenous people of Eastern Siberia.
This is a quite new HPP. Its construction began in 2010; it was launched in test mode in 2017; and it was put into commercial operation in 2019. Its design capacity is 320 MW, and the average annual power output is 1.67 billion kWh.